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CHILLMAN kicks the first for the Lions!
Cairns City Lions vs Manuda Hawks - Preliminary Final
MARTIN runs around the mark kicks her second for the game!
Manuda Hawks vs Cairns City Lions - Round 19
KEILAR kicks a left foot snap!
Manuda Hawks vs South Cairns Cutters - Round 16
An 8 goal quarter for the tigers!
Manuda Hawks vs North Cairns Tigers - Round 13
SNAP in the goal square!
Manuda Hawks vs North Cairns Tigers - Round 13
Finesse out of a fumble!
Manuda Hawks vs North Cairns Tigers - Round 13
MATTHEW with a 45 metre goal just after the siren!
Cairns City Lions vs Manuda Hawks - Round 12
WREN paddles it to her own advantage and puts the third goal on the board for the Hawks!
Cairns City Lions vs Manuda Hawks - Round 12
Crocs clock 171 Points!
Port Douglas Crocs vs Manuda Hawks - Round 11
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