Scotch College
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Val Davies quick goal!!
Christ Church vs Scotch - Round 10

Duplock and Gamble's end to end goal!
Christ Church vs Scotch - Round 10

Elliot Cooper's HUGE goal from 60 out!
Scotch vs Trinity - Round 8 (AFL)

Mitch Murdoch from the boundary!
Hale vs Scotch - Round 6 (AFL)

Scotch from full back to GOAL!!
Hale vs Scotch - Round 6 (AFL)

Riley Longson GOTY??
Scotch vs Guildford - Round 3 (AFL)

James Taskunas SNAPS it in!
Scotch vs Guildford - Round 3 (AFL)

Max Burbury & George Stoney showing off their skills!
Scotch vs Christ Church - Round 1 (AFL)

Outlet T/O - Goal
Scotch vs Christ Church - Round 9 (Hockey)

Sideline Outlet T/O - Goal
Scotch vs Christ Church - Round 9 (Hockey)

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