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MASON kicks his 2nd from the boundary!
Seymour Football Netball Club vs Mooroopna Cats - Round 18

THOMPSON kicks it from the centre half forward!
Seymour Football Netball Club vs Mooroopna Cats - Round 18

Seymour get their third!
Seymour Football Netball Club vs Mooroopna Cats - Round 18

FOWLER puts through an important goal for Seymour!
Seymour Football Netball Club vs Mooroopna Cats - Round 18

JOHNSON kicks his 2nd!
Seymour Football Netball Club vs Mooroopna Cats - Round 18

RUSSELL kicks the Cats' second!
Seymour Football Netball Club vs Mooroopna Cats - Round 18

MORRIS grabs the ball out of the middle and sets up a player down forward!
Seymour Football Netball Club vs Echuca Football Netball Club - Round 16

Reid's torp gets the ball down to Echuca's forward line quickly!
Seymour Football Netball Club vs Echuca Football Netball Club - Round 16

MORRIS kicks a goal of the year contender!
Seymour Football Netball Club vs Echuca Football Netball Club - Round 16

Converts a great grab into a goal!
Seymour Football Netball Club vs Echuca Football Netball Club - Round 16

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