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Saved it with a soccer kick!
Subiaco vs Swan Districts - Preliminary Final

COLBY MCDONALD takes a huge grab!
Swan Districts vs Perth Football Club - Finals Week 1

TAJ STANDLEY kicks his 3!
Swan Districts vs Perth Football Club - Finals Week 1

COLBY MCDONALD kicks his 3!
Swan Districts vs Perth Football Club - Finals Week 1

COLBY MCDONALD spots up a player!
Swan Districts vs Perth Football Club - Finals Week 1

ZAC ZILIOLI runs around the man on the mark and finishes truly!
Swan Districts vs Perth Football Club - Finals Week 1

JAMES CAMERON hovers out the back and snaps through an important goal!
Swan Districts vs Perth Football Club - Finals Week 1

TYLAH WILLIAMS slots it on his left!
Swan Districts vs Perth Football Club - Finals Week 1

COLBY MCDONALD kicks his 2nd of 3!
Swan Districts vs Perth Football Club - Finals Week 1

COLBY MCDONALD kicks his 1st of 3!
Swan Districts vs Perth Football Club - Finals Week 1

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